Quarantine is a long-term performative experiment that researches into the patterns of the standard emotional behaviour hinted by the use of geosocial dating applications such as Tinder. The application is considered one of the most important in the current digital market allowing communication between people based on their preferences to chat and date. These dates are organised in a structured market where each individual is exhibited through a profile in a catalog of products ready for an immediate use.
Tinder is based on a technology of presumptions about how to understand the self and how to build a sociability through emotional compatibility.
It is a very demanding format that plays by forcing an emotional behaviour guided by an algorithmic computation that presupposes our preferences but that has nothing to do with the way we really feel.
The apparently endless freedom of choices promoted by the application, goes together with an excessive narcissism that generates a totally staggered and hierarchical system where love is understood as an hedonistic object of easy consumption.
It seems that in a context of unlimited possibilities, love is not possible, and the only skill that is acquired in the whole process is to quickly finish so as to start all over again from the beginning.
Upcoming olo show, Taipei 2022